There is nothing better in the world than a first walk

Alot happens to a resident when there is an amputation. Some people have had major leg issues for years, while others have a relatively quick transition to an amputation. Diabetes is a terrible silent disease that creates havoc on our bodies.

It’s all about the blood sugar

Unfortunately some people have significant difficulty controlling their blood sugar. This frequently starts to effect the legs with neuropathy and decreased circulation. Amazing how something as simple as sugar can do so much damage.

Slow steady attack of the body

Frequently the beginning of wounds on the feet and toes starts a chain reaction. A wound will not heal and a toe dies and gets amputated. Then half the foot, then before you realize the damage spreads right up to the lower leg.

Hopefully a surgeon can get to where there is good blood flow and allow a person to start retaking their life

After amputation

The first step is to improve overall movement without the leg. We need to utilize the arms and the good leg to help us get prepared for using a prosthetic leg. We also need to focus on improving the range of motion and strength of the residual limb to prepare for use of the new leg. Range of motion at the knee and hip are imperative for good use of the prosthetic.

The biggest challenge at first is to heal the wound

Without healing of the surgical site we cannot use shrinkers and sleeves for shaping and preparing the limb for the new leg. Once we get the go ahead to wear a shrinker we can truely prepare for a new leg.

Casting time

When given the OK from the surgeon, a prosthetist will cast the limb to make a mold for the socket. Now the excitement really starts. Usually within a few days from casting the first temporary prosthetic leg arrives.

One of the greatest joys as a therapist

There is no better joy than looking at the expression on your residents face when the prosthesis is fit for the first time. After all they have been through…. they now have a leg. If that’s not good enough, the shear joy and smile after the first walk on a new leg is beyond priceless. It is truely a feeling I will never forget or take for granted. It makes me thankful to have the job I have. No matter how hard of a day or week it has been. That one moment that only happens once, makes it all worth it.